The problem is that the standard miscast isn't very healthy for the unit the Slann is with... S10 hit for everything in base contact on a 7, small...
I have to say I'm with GW on this moment (never actually thought I'd write that..). This is a war game and a casualty in war tends to mean someone...
And that's where the FAQs kick in :P first question of the FAQ section, they just give SM as an example....
I thought they all had the Speed of Asuryan rule, which is the one that allowed them to strike first regardless of the fact they're wielding great...
Actually they're two completely different items that happen to do the same thing ;) so you could actually have two Scar-Vets with 6 attacks if...
Actually there's a big heading in the BRB pg 45 that says 'Remove Casualties'... "The target unit suffers casualties for any wounds that have not...
Yeah... about that. They're not classified as being Multiple Shot weapons so they don't get the -1 I'm afraid.
Using a Salamander can be pretty risky as you only wound it on 6s... not very reliable I'm afraid. I just tend to poison the hell out of it. Just...
Those are pretty nasty, but they're a template shooting attack so you get a Look out Sir! roll ;)
Higher State is indeed not really needed if you're going to be playing him in a TG block, neither is the 2+ ward save to be honest Leokill as he...
If your placing your skirmishers in your opponents frontal arc then I hope you're using them to redirect, otherwise your not using them to their...
Only a casualty, so on multi-wound models you'd need to kill the whole model.
Loving it! One suggestion though; maybe make the contract between the normal rock and the mask a little clearer? Because right now it doesn't...
Note though that they don't get the 6+ parry save as spears don't count as hand weapons.
Oh come on! Don't tell me that I've just read through an amazing 18 pages worth of amazing hacking, slashing and betting only to find the ending...
It doesn't I'm afraid. A stand and shoot reaction is carried out if the enemy declares a charge and is carried out at whatever range your opponent...
I like running a unit of around 20, along with a Scar-Vet with great weapon to add some extra punch. Regenration on these guys for a 4+ AS and a...
Have you guys thought about refusing the challenge? He doesn't have to move into B2B as he refused, and nowhere does it say he has to move to a...
Skirmishers with blowpipes always suffer the -1 for moving and shooting (which includes marching and shooting), as they don't have the Quick to...