2 builds I'd like to share with you guys which have yet to disappoint me: Scar-Vet - Great Weapon - Armour of Fortune - Venom of the Firefly...
Every model is assumed to have a hand weapon with which it fights in close combat. The javelin is the missile weapon the Skinks use, check your...
Great! Anyone have any suggestions as to how to equip him?
Fellow Lizards, I have a 2400pts tournament coming up and have been considering fielding an Engine. My question to you is whether anyone has any...
Great weapon, Armour of Fortune, Venom of the Firefly Frog and Dragonbane Gem :) hasn't let me down yet
Could you please explain to me why your opponent can't attack the Krox? I'm fairly certain that their "Great Reach" special rule says that they...
A double 6 is the only thing that will make him roll on the miscast table, don't forget to make him do it!!
Completely agree, the part that annoys me the most is the fact that this is not the only place where it says that the elves are the most magically...
In your calculations, what does it matter if you roll a double and the number? Haven't you already covered that under 'roll the number'? Anyway,...
Sweet colours :D my Carnosaur has the same blue scales, looking good!!
Well the only Scar-Vet I would drop is the one with the GW and the Armour of Fortune and I somehow feel vulnerable without him in my TG unit (Make...
Easy being evasive if you don't exist...
It would count as a failed charge unless the charging unit manages to redirect its charge towards another unit within its charge range.
I'm fairly certain those are direct damage spells, not magic missiles...
True :-) not many people played them where I live though... :P
Unfortunately not, under the spear entry it says that an additional rank can make a supportive attack (or something of the like) and supportive...
Nobody? :) PS: edited out the 'Cheers' for hellbreaker's sake :P
I'd shift the Champion from the Saurus unit to the TG unit, 1 more S5 attack to 16 seems more appealing to me than 1 more S4 on 24... Solid list,...
Pretty sweet summary ;-) might want to read it again though and change everything to Lore of Light instead of Death and Life :P as well as light...
If your looking for a Slann to make up his points by killing hordes of the enemy you'll probably be disappointed. Especially if you take Lore of...