Wait until you start playing with the Lore of Beasts :P
3+ in CC ;)
1) Just don't challenge, direct your attacks at the character! :) If he refused the challenge you can pick a character that could have accepted...
Actually it can as it has US6 (5 for the Carnosaur and 1 for the Oldblood).
Completely true, the dice for the number of hits can't be re-rolled, the to wound rolls however can be :)
That's how we play it as well, as soon as the Hydra is dead you've got the VPs, if you get the Hydra to half its wounds then you get half the VPs ;)
Yeah, I know ;) but T5 on the Mino's compared to a Krox's T4 would be a huge difference :)
Aren't Minotaurs T4?
The thrown javelins are poisoned, yes. The close combat attacks are not ;)
Actually most war machine crew are on 20mm bases and terradons are on 40mm bases, so you should be able to get three terradons into combat by...
I've always announced the character I nominate, and I play in a closed list enviroment ;) so a bit of both I suppose :)
Fiery Blast has a range of 24" mate ;-)
I don't think so, what it can do is when it wins a combat, the unit is allowed to make a turn manoeuvre so that it's facing the opponent.
Should say under the Characters section in the rulebook, don't have mine on me so I can't give you an exact page I'm afraid.
But then we have Terradon's who's rocks just love fast cav units :D
Actually it matters a lot! :D We already have an advantage in the Ld field, for an additional 25 pts you're making sure that you're making the...
I'm fairly certain they do get the +2 bonus for a rear charge, I'm not certain whether they negate the enemies ranks. Don't have my rulebook with...
The Hydra Banner gives the unit containing the banner (must be on a BSB) an extra attack in the first round of close combat. Wait until your...