hey im little bit new joined yesterday hope to get some infermation and get to know some friends on the way
slann will kill all of them get the first two disciplines and get cupped for your only magic items also get 30 temple guard so he does not die [i...
if you want to make it funny use all skinks lol make them skirmisher's and nothing else except a skink chief no upgrades for any of the units...
it depends how you are facing like against heavy armored people ill chose salamanders against hoard army's ill choose razadons...ya so it depends...
um.... sorry i cant help you. Maybe a assassin or a magic item. maybe you should go to a different website for dark elves cause this is a place...
cool whatever you like it's up to your choice whatever you like the best or make your own it's really fun i hope you have a nice wife good luck...
if you get the scar vet and you are going for the attacks go for maiming shield also get light armor and shield so if you get in a challenge you...
you can paint your lizard men any color and it depends if its a lighter color scheme you use white spray paint if its darker then black spray ;)...
thanks for the help :)
lore of heavens is good at supporting your troops to make them live longer or kill more :D
how do you people like this army list?: lords slann two dusciplin focus of my foucused ru cuppedhand heroes skink priest dispel...
thanks but what do you think about salamanders? cause they get rid of there armor? :clown:
he has 2 regiments of chosen of 12 each two marauder regiments of 10 each he has no magic no ranged oh.... and a bsb :depressed: plz help i...