seems from some quick googling the Canadian equivalent (windex) should work as long as I get a clear version. That is incredible to know and my...
I do have some lahmian medium, but i wonder if its worth using good paint to fix bad paints? :confused: I'll think on it, thank you. :)
Hey all, I had two kind of random questions. 1) So I got a boatload of citadel paints second hand from a closing down hobby store, but lots of...
Tonight's progress, I trimmed off some of the plants from my scenery piece and laid out a bit more green flocking, I think it looks a lot better....
While its not a huge deal to me personally, I honestly did notice and dislike how shiny the plants were. I had no idea how to go about fixing...
I agree with you two. I think, regarding plants on the base, I was so preoccupied with whether I could I didn't stop to think if I should. :p
Finished up the skullshrine scenery piece. While I feel I maybe went a bit overboard with the foliage I'm generally happy with the base, and I...
Looking through old pics on here, I love your sparing use of more futuristic bits. It reminds me of stargate! very unique!
Love the creative flourishes on the base, the gem came out looking good and I love how the bastilodon came out looking very stylized but with such...
Lastly I've been experimenting with color schemes on my skinks to find something I like for my army in general. I know the technique on these two...
So because I have to sit around waiting for basing stuff to dry I started on a few other things. Firstly I started drybrushing my bastilodon's...
Today's progress! Finished off the glowing eye effects and gave a wash to all the gold, touched up warpaint and white drybrushing in a few spots....
Well done everyone who threw their hat in the ring and a well deserved kudos to the winners. Beyond pumped for the next contest now that I’m here...
No worries, I asked for feedback and you gave it.
Oh I absolutely agree he is not up to snuff if I were to use him in a game, but I’m keeping him around as an example of how bad I was when I...
I love the shell pattern! Did you use a sponge to get that effect or just stipple it on with a brush or?
Love the weapons and the toad is so cute. I love seeing all the vibrant color schemes pulled off around here.
Tonight's progress. I started on blinging out the skull. Glued and basecoated the gold jewelry. Also started on the green glowing eyes effect to...
I will be basing it yeah. I have one of those old square large bases. On that note, does anyone have any particularly good tutorials on basing in...
I'll give this a shot, thanks.