Hi all, I have had my liz army for 10+ years, they are from the 5th edition. I think they still look awesome, but some of the newer models are...
I just came up with the idea of swapping one scar vet with an old blood. Reasons: 1) I have won him 3 times in a roll, so this time perhaps I...
SV1: Oh yea my mistake, thanks for pointing it out. I was equipping him with spear only because I thought of Cold One + Spear as one complete...
Good point, I completely forgotten about the Terradons (I'm a new player and I only have 2 Terradons so I cannot yet field them until I get the...
Unit 1: Scar Vet on Cold Ones, light armor, extra weapon, spear, luck stone 123 pts CoC x 5 , SB with banner of swiftness 210 pts [total 333pts]...
We can cast it on Skinks to give them a 4+ AS still :D (Since the 6+ AS of ranked skinks come from the shield that they are holding, not scaly...
I thought the way it works out is that : There will be no modifiers applied to TK archers, so they will use their own BS "straight out of the...
Thanks, will def try the Cameleon Skinks or Terradons next time as I am sure I will see the casket again the next game :astronaut: About Cupped...
Well my general of that game was a Skink Priest loooool his leadership of 6 isn't impressive at all haha :smug: At 800 pts, I cannot find a good...
Yea we were accompanied by some other veteran players and the made sure we got most of the rules right. So I rolled 4D6 and take away the largest...
Victory!!!! :D 3 winning streak ! :jimlad: We played a bigger game this time, going up to 800 points from 500 points. I had two lists...
Thanks for the positive feedback But I do think I would love to do better than that :D I was searching on Youtube and I found some awesome...
I can't seem to see how would Oxyotl be able to do that. Say I place him 12" from her using the scout rule. Starting at 2+, long range, double...
Thanks, I totally forgot about the scout rule. Can we place it exactly 12" away so we can shoot immediately without moving? starting at 3+, long...
But wouldn't it better to send a unit of 10 skinks, to do the job, almost just as well? I just don't think +1BS is so significant that its worth...
Sorry if this is a noob question but.... With any character being so expensive, I can't help but to think wouldn't a massive flock of cheap unit...
I fought two 500 points small games with my buddy and I won both! Well here is what I think: TK archers suffer no shooting penalty whatsoever, I...
Ok that took way more than 15 mins :P First up, OLD models I painted many many years ago: One of the worst skink I have ever painted LOOOL :...
Hello there, I know practice makes perfect but would anyone be able to share some painting tips? I painted the 5th edition 10+ years ago and...
Hi there, I digged up a bunch of old models from the 5th edition and I am picking the game up again. Forgive me for asking seemingly noob...