Nope. The Engine of the Gods replaces the blowpipes.
So, I took Lore of Fire on my Slann today... why don't I see this used more? Fireball is my new favorite spell, it's so versatile and does great...
Without changing the theme, I would try to squeeze the Shield of the Mirrored Pool in there somewhere, for more magic defense. If you got into...
I would personally give him the Stegadon, for protection and hitting power. I mean, he can't join a unit anyway, (being Unbreakable), and Tide of...
Yeah, I'd defiantly add Tehenhauin. Lore of beasts could turn you Skinks into better fighters, which would be great. Pann's Impenetrable Pelt...
You should put some leaves on the vines.
I agree with all of this, I've always thought that elves were a really uncreative idea. "Like humans, but smarter, and faster. And they do magic...
I have a question about the Tomb Kings Casket of Souls: If you give the Liche Priest who's using the Casket a healing potion, could he resurrect...
Well, it's not as funny if I explain it, but the joke was that Saurus are naturally, instinctively good at what they do, so one of them would...
You might also want to consider taking this in the other direction: Lizardmen wearing human skin. It would be so horrifyingly strange if it was...
I'm looking through my rulebook, and I don't see anything about great weapons on mounts. Do they strike with +2s now, or still just +1s like in 7th?
No you can't. (I had the same idea) But my favorite thing to do with it (I've actually done this once) is fly a Skink with the feather cloak...
Post you lizardmen jokes/witty observations here. I'll get the ball rolling, by poking fun at the Saurus Musician: It is Imperial Year 912, and a...
I play Ogre Kingdoms and I can tell you that they still aren't that great. Stomp Attacks and such seem nice, but we still get shot to death before...
Ogres can be easily beaten (As an ogre player I can testify to this) Heres what you do: Use ranged weapons, use poison, and use magic. Lizardmen...
It's been 12 years since the Dark Eldar were updated. I think they need a new codex, and fast!
There is precedent for this. The Slann Ulha'up (page 42 of the book) is described as being quite insane, never touching anything that had touched...
There is one aspect of 40,000k that has been overlooked here: TANKS! :pigeon: I love tanks, and I love 40k because it has tanks. Also, in my...
Not as true with Dwarf gunlines. They still have 4 toughness, armor (and possibly shields) and great leadership. I would still engage them in CC,...