They just changed the FAQ, now Steam Tanks CAN be targeted by ANY spell. So go nuts with the pit.
Well, here's an idea for a blue Slann: [attach] I think it looks pretty cool.
I like the sound of Flügelfluchreif, and I mean that literally. It's a cool name.
All I found that worked was four or five thin, even layers on a white basecoat. (I'm sure their is a better way, but not one I could figure out.)
I can't speak for warhammer fantasy, but in 40k, orks can beat anything, sometimes. It can also just as likely loose to anything. I'm told fantasy...
I don't know if you know this, but I can tell you from personal experience that yellow is really, REALLY hard to pain brightly and consistently...
I would splurg a bit and upgrade that chief's stegadon into an ancient steg, for the extra strength impact hits and for the improved armor save....
Way to go! it seems like he took it well, which is always nice.
More off-the-top-of-my-head: a steam tank bedecked with lizardmen skins, a group of crazy, crazy explorers being used a flagellants, ect.
Go for it, it sounds like a solid plan.
Try basecoating them with skull white and only coloring them with inks. The result is a faded, ethereal looking model. It should look like the...
I can't believe someone would field such a high priority, high damage, low defense target and not expect it to be killed!
Off the top of my head: Greatswords with stolen Obstinite weapons, archers who wear chameleon skink skins, an archmage riding on a stolen...
Then kill the champ, he is almost always the strongest guy in the squad.
I can't speak for tactics, but I want to take him just to scare my enemy (It's one of the best mages in the game, ON A GIANT DINOSAUR! And he's...
But who says you HAVE to use him with Skinks, anyway? I would use him with a squad of Saurus, picking off enemy musicians and Standard Bearers...
I'm considering a unit of temple guard in my army, but I need to know: Can fight well without a Slann, or are the mostly a spiky meat shield? If...
If an army is unbalanced it is easily beaten, unless it is completely and totally devoted to a single aspect of the game. I say you fight fire...
If those stories anywhere, they would be here:
The simple fact is that a lot of people take a lot of pride in their army. It's completely understandable, but it can lead to bitterness....