Entry title : Surfs up in Shyish. The realm of death is known for many things. Housing the afterlives of all races in the mortal realms, endless...
I'll have my entry finished sometime tonight.
Wren leifsson ached. The steel helms had been holding the passages for hours. Twelve waves of the rat-men had assailed them. Twelve times they had...
I'm going to try and go the next time I'm having dinner near the one Warhammer location in my area.
Rehab'd a bunch of skaven onto new bases and added basing material. Made plans for December painting.
Are entries still open? Can I grab something to paint from my hoard of possibilities?
I've painted over 30 skaven, 4 rat ogres, and a war machine. I also painted some Orruk brutes and a few random odds and ends. November went well....
"Something is different about the rat horde this time, Steinbeck." Muttered Wren leifsson. Wren and his squadron had been manning the tunnel watch...
FEC army box will be up for pre-order within a week to two.
Above the clamor of chittering rat-men, an unfamiliar hum of electricity courses through the darkened tunnels. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I'm really liking the new heroic deeds rule for FEC previewed today. The throwaway line at the top of the article that all Kings have sworn...
I've got some bigger models in the mix now with some rat ogres. The next stop is probably some clan rats and then a warp lightning Cannon. What...
10 more limited palette skaven, bringing me to 15 so far. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
They look decent in a group. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
so, tangent question: Do you have to buy a certain amount to get the mini of the month?
I'm annoyed we don't have a basing chart yet. I want to prepare.
At this point, they've burned away my hopium. I'll take what I get, but I'm going ahead with my Wargames Atlantic skeletal hordes to begin with.
It's a mismanagement of the plastics budget (tomb kings boxer-hand skeletons wave cheerio from apparent early retirement) But it won't go to...