hype train commencing. plans to build a cavalry army from Numas using Wargames Atlantic Plastics are intensifying.
primed more Bavarian WSS infantry. Finished 5 savage orcs for kevin, and started on 5 more brutes. pictures soonish.
Grand Justice Gormayne. I will enjoy saying "Objection overruled!" with accompanying *bonk* sound effect when he attacks. I also am surprised by...
I'm going to be doing a couple hours of painting shortly.
Digital post and preview quoted from MMF: Festooned in feathers and wielding the more esoteric weapons of the Mexica Empire, these Aztec Eagle...
not exactly lizardmen. Human auxiliaries? Digital post and preview quoted from MMF: Festooned in feathers and wielding the more esoteric weapons...
nice use of the Warlord plastics. If you ever need reinforcements let me know.
Weekend painted progress. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
2 more trolls and 2 werewolves with final detailing stages to go. 5 orc elites (Kevin's term for them, they are orruk brutes models) base coated....
Well, I've had a phenomenaly crap end of week, and I will be painting this evening to make up for that. expect an update
Five wolves and an impaler masquerading as a chaos chosen of Slannesh. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Updated skeleton spearmen with heraldry and a troll for my buddy. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl nice
While I am making progress on commissions, I also took the time to paint 10 skeleton warriors with spears. Should I do heraldry on the shields?...
That looks great
6 box-stock mantic ogres painted for a friend. [ATTACH]
No photo at the moment, but I have been working on things. I've been building the remnants of a dominion set. it was partial to begin with, so I...