Huh. I never posted the full pikemen unit? Here y'all go. As well as the spearmen unit I put the last 2 models on a day or two ago. [ATTACH]...
It's the halfway point of the month and I've painted 40 models in 3 days.
All 40 Pikemen are now painted. Basing has been initiated. [ATTACH]
20/40 pikes. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Made chocolate chip cookies
And I kept clearing sprues and building things. Up to 24 pikemen now. [ATTACH]
I haven't painted in a week. I've been clearing sprues and building things. I'm hoping to put paint to minis tonight. [ATTACH]
I primed a bunch of landskneckt the other day. Tonight I'm either going to continue clearing sprues or I'll paint dwarves.
I can't say more than this, but Mantic needs to get their house in order.
At this point, as soon as they are uploaded to the trade folders. Don't know when. I check daily.
These are wargaming related, hence I am posting this on the off topic forum. If this needs to get rolled into my news thread, so be it. I figured...
I'm an independent retailer. We knew but there are embargos that drop before we can share New twilight kin up for preorders. Pre-image embargo dropping with the...
5 dwarven crossbowmen [ATTACH]
9 more men and one good doggo. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Nice Update on my projects, including storm cast, fantasy KoW, undead AoS, and more. I'd appreciate a follow on...
So that's the vibe I was getting off of the head and not something like a bugs mandibles. I'm definitely getting the Rita repulsa meme playing...
I feel this. I've been prioritizing social interaction over other things at the moment because I need to get better socially and I am dealing with...