Really? Is name calling and cursing really nessisary? I was only giving my interpretation of the rules and I did not realize that doing so would...
I like both your characters! They are well balanced with appropriate point costs. You've done a very good job at keeping things realistic in...
We've got a Dwarf player in my group who excells at anti-magic. I don't even try to take magic against him! In instances like that I adore the...
Fencer's Blades, plural as in more than one. Paired, as in there are two of them. You are swinging with two swords (one in each hand) therefor...
I also used short snips of wire as reinforcement around the inside of the hole in the Palaquin and they extended outward to wrap around the clear...
I agree with Tiger. I've given a Scar Vet the BSB when I've not taken a Slann and he does alright but usually what I end up doing is making him...
Amoungst our group we have a High Elf player whom regularly takes the Lore of Shadows. When my turn came up to play him I naturally took the Lore...
Characters and special characters are where GW makes their bucks too. They come out with really cool looking models and people just HAVE to have...
Unfortunately no. It states in the BRB that duel weilding is for models on foot only.
Remember that a character does not gain the extra attack from swinging two weapons. It's a lesson I learned recently from this very board so you...
Don't also forget Walach that it's in a unit of gunners or archers which means he's also getting shot with 10 other weapons of some sort or if...
It comes down to points and usage I think. Generally speaking I do not run any command in my Cold Ones unless I'm putting a hero or lord in it...
I had my Skink Priest with the Ruby Ring of Ruin used on it the first turn and took off a wound. The rest were done by massed Blow pipes from my...
Huaroc knew that the Old Ones must have been looking down upon with as his fingers just barely managed to grasp the slippery vine. He was sorry...
But! If you put him in a unit that has the banner he is also Ld 9. So he can effectively pass on that ld 9 to other units and still give him the...
Are you talking about that magic banner or is there another magic item which gives +1 Ld? If it is the banner I don't think an OB can be a BSB...
It's truely awesome that just because three Lizardmen players placed well in a tournament and ran Slanns they want to comp them. I swear that...
That's exactly what I was thinking! Maybe use some brass rod to form the core of the banner pole and work out...