The only thing that will aid your unit in rallying is to have a musician in the unit and a hero in it, for better leadership. Also if you have...
They can still be flaming if you have the BoEF in the unit. If your curious look at the hills special terrain. One of hte hills there (forget...
Generally speaking if I take a Stegadon it's going to be an ancient. It'll also be accompanied by a fellow Ancient Steg because I go by the...
Huaroc nodded at the command of the group's leader and shifted to the right. He still allowed the saurus and Kroxigor ahead of him as his skills...
CoC are grossly under rated by many people. It's true they are a bit steep in the points area but you can't beat putting that unit on the flank...
((No worries)) Huaroc stands and reports the findings as he'd seen them. With a nod from the others he once again took up the mantle of the...
Huaroc approaches the doorway and kicks the rancid rotted bones and flesh and putrifaction out of the way and gets down on his belly so that he...
I've encountered a High Elf player who ran Teclis and regularly out cast my Slann and dispeled my magic with a fair amount of ease. In fact I...
What point level did you guys play at? I know Bret fighter lords are relatively cheep but two level 4s and a lord on Peg? That seems WAY over...
Yeah Brets are a tough force if your opponent knows what they are doing. The key is to get on the flanks. Armour is tough, true, but they are T3...
Hmm, if your going against skaven I'd take flame banner. It causes fear in his beast units (giant rats) and will nulify his HPA's coming back...
Looks like a pretty decent list but I'd not get rid of your Chameleons. I understand if you want to run an all Saurus army but bear in mind that...
Shadow Lore is probably one of the most under used magic for Lizardmen but if you look it's pretty amazing. Yeah Lore of Life is great for...
Definately post how it goes! What about giving the skaven pelt to the TG unit itself and then give the Slann his typical SoD banner. That way no...
Skrox units are actually a reall good choice for going agaisnt Bretonnians. Because the knight units tend to be medium to semi large (6-9 models)...
I'm fairly certain you can have more than one remains in play spell at a time so long as the spell is cast on seperate units. So yeah, you could...
Nah, I think he'd just take you down easier. If I saw that you took less defenses I'd probably target you more so initially so that you went down...
It's an interesting concept. However I fear that the heavy point cost of the carpet would negate protection for the OB and any killing power he...
SanDiego that is nasty! Although I might call it an 'all eggs in one basket' deal onto a unit which is less capable of supporting such a large...
I suggest doing a search for horde or something else similar to what your looking for. There are lots of good tactics in this forum, you just...