Huaroc scratched his head where the scar from his last wound was. It was yet another cave system they would need to traverse in order to make it...
Huaroc could barely register the battle going on around him. He was vaguely aware of the warm and sticky liquid ozzing down around his head, face...
Did this thing die and I not get the memo?
Huaroc, launched into motion. Thrusting the Banner of llok into the ground at the center of the group he pulled out his trusty blow pipe....
Huaroc remained on the perimeter of the camp, keeping his own watch and guard. He focused most of his patrol in the direction towards the...
No worries Xlcontiqu, stuff happens that we can not control. No one is faulting you for it. I hope your get your computer back in record time...
Huaroc was very familiar with the coating of poison onto weapons. The other skinks he knew were familiar with the uses of poison on weapons as...
Hmm, very good point. But if you charge from the side you'll only get a few attacks back which drastically lower the number of possible wounds...
I'm a big proponent for GW's rules and army books. We all have our moments where we piss and moan about a particular army or character set up....
ROFL Too funny! But at any rate it does seem odd that they don't have a fluff for it.
There is a reason why GW tournaments generally only require three colors on a model. Unless painting and modeling are your thing most of us...
I think Life is still viable for the simple fact that ToV will keep your Slann from suffering in the miscast. Also it's amazingly effective to...
Let's not forget also that Mr. Murphy and Nufl will interject their sin comic sense of humor upon dice rolls.
What page is that on? I couldn't find that rule anywhere!
Yeah, your telling me! I was leary about playing an Orc Warlord but I figured 'what the heck?!' Plus is was the only army book I had handy.
It's worth mentioning that you do not gain the extra attack from Fencer's Blades as only models on foot gain the extra attack. Bottom of pg 91 BRB.
If you take Lore of Life (which most people do because it works out well with our Slann) Throne of Vines virtually eliminates the miscast table....
With your hand weapon and shield your already gaining a 6+ parry save. Regen saves can be canceled by magical attacks. So I'd drop this and give...
Last and hopefully not least! Character name: Azog and Snuk the Boar Character type: Orc Warboss Army: Orcs and Goblins