I'm not sure how you got my name under that quote when I'm not the one who said it. BUT in any case I agree, Obsidian Lodestone is cheaper....
That's about the right number I think. I will occasionally run 3 units but not very often. I'd probably run more Chameleons if I had the models...
I think also if you refuse the challenge and go to the back rank you can not cast spells as well. But another unit which is like the Blood...
Who says it has to be an expensive unit? 10 sacrificial saurus warriors are only 110 points, CoC (though expensive for this purpose in my...
I like your list! Small and powerful with good magic. I think you've got something going here. Just pick your magic lores right depending on...
I think you've got a stronger list now. With that second SW unit there you'll have a much better chance at sticking out the fights. And don't be...
I appologize, it's still [i]really[i] early in the morning! What I should have said that it's important to hide behind terrain or units because...
This is where terrain masking and hiding behind units help a lot. By hiding that expensive unit behind terrain or other 'high profile' targets...
I remember that discussion. I believe it was also agreed by most but one or two that, in the case of magic items such as the maiming shield, you...
Huaroc ran his fingers through a firn's frons. He'd missed the feel of jungle vegitation upon his feet and hands and arms and legs. A...
My concern is that your army doesn't have a lot of staying power. Generally speaking you don't want to tie your TG into combat unless it's a soft...
Yes Blood Statuette of spite.
I generally only run one. An EotG or an Ancient w/ Chief/Warspear. I ran two regular ancients a couple of weeks ago and it proved too much for...
It's a one shot wonder but you might feel like trying two lvl 2 skink priests or perhaps a lvl 2 on EofG and another lvl 2. Then give one the...
Terradons do fullfill the same role as the Chameleons but I think they are a little less effective. The reason being they are easier to hit vs...
I would also like to see this report. There was a couple of us whom had started to make attempts to get a bit of a tactics and uses postings...
It seems that OB are highly underrated and especially so when on a Carnosaur. True with 8th Ed. war machines have become all the more terrible...
I'm thinking Elves are Elves and with that said I believe they are all strength 3 with the exception of characters and the White Lions in HE and...
Huaroc was thankful to have Xlan and Hexec snatch him from the cliff face. It seemed that fate and the blessing of the Old Ones was truely upon...
I appologize for my miscommunication. I was under th wrong impression but I thank you for correcting things.