Yes, of course. I just like to have a general idea of how I'm hoping to place them. I used to play Skaven, when I'd always have the choice of...
Thanks, how would you suggest I deploy? All on 1 side or spread out across the board:
Oldblood (Armour of Destiny, CO, GW) 32 x Saurus warriors (FC) Skink Cheif (Terradon, Ironcurse Icon, LA, Dragon Helm, Fensers Blades) 3 x...
On page 20 of the BRB it states that you are allowed a free 90deg wheel at any point in the charge. This would be sufficient. In fact, you get to...
The rule book states that the unit charges which ever side the 'most units inthe front rank' are. So take a line and draw it 45deg from the corner...
Hi, thats a good list of questions. I will help where I can.... 1) You'll have to check the book, I don't think a SKink cheif has the Predatory...
I would say after. Because the fanatics rule comes into effect in the middle of the spells effect... 1) Cast Spell 2) select fanatic as target 3)...
Hi, I know this was a few months ago. However I'm about to play beastmen tonight and was looking for some tactical help. I don't know if you're...
That sounds like an amazing app. I didn't even know they existed, particularly single apps which host multiple forums. It would be great to unify...
That sounds like the best way to play it. Thank you guys
It still 'comes into contact' with that unit doesn't it. So then the fanatics rules come into play and it deals it's 2d6 hits and dies. With the...
This can only be the steg. No way are they going to allow us '6' extra attacks for 10 points?!?!?
Hello all, The other day I was playing a game for fun against O&G and his fanatatics came out fairly early at my camo skinks. I wind Blasted one...
Thats awesome - I hadn't thought of that. The Armour gives ward and armour save, I'd not noticed it was heavy before. That and the Quango Egg!!!! Nice
Thats how I've used it
Fair play. I didn't realise it was all in that chart. I stand corrected. Thank you.
Ancient steg helm + Talisman of protection is all you need for pure defense. This gives him 2+ armour save and 4+ ward. I've run this a few times...
To be honest, your right - I can't find a specific rule that states that monsters don't have a rank but there is also no specific rule which...
I didn't realise it was a ward save - Does that mean I take my normal armour save but if that fails I get to use the '2+ ward'? I'd always just...
No but 10 will. It's having more full ranks than the enemy. The Steg counts as being a single rank because monsters stand alone.