Ahh yes, it's only the Temple Guard who have the guardian special rule which put him to the second row.
I've always put him in the second rank. Even when running them 6 wide. However, good question - I may be proved wrong....
I think you'll find that it's only Maggic missiles that you cannot cast 'out from combat'. The other thing is that I beleive (not sure as I don't...
Can anyone tell me what saves are or are not allowed for wounds on a miscast. Is this different for the mage himself? Or the same for him & any...
Additionally, there are fanatics...as I learnt to my own detriment last week, they auto hit too - decimated my unit before I had time to think.
Thank you. I can't belevie I missed that. It really was a nube question. Thanks again.
this may be a total nube question but whats the deal with this march test - I've seen it mentioned a few places but don't get what it's about. I...
OK, I always thought that as monsters were a single base, you could turn and charge with them. When reading the camo skink tactica, it said you...
So what unit size would you go with to give him enough protection. Is there any protection for a skirmisher unit from cannon fire? There are quite...
How will he fit? My guess is that he'll sit on the side of the unit because his base isn't of the same size factors (He's exactly 2 saurus wide,...
Hi, In my local community we usually play 1500pt games. I have been playing with skink priests and Tetto'Eko. I have been enjoying it and having...
I thought I'd let you know how it all went....I played the list I originally posted.... It was an intense game, we played a Dawn attack, I went...
I got side tracked... The unit with a slann or tetto in is a magnet for everything my opponent has...every time, hense the unit being so big. I...
In my current meta there are a lot of magic heavy players which is why I try to have enough magic to hold them of but not to much that it's...
I was under the impression that a Slaan wasn't really worth it unless you had temple guard. Mainly because he'll need to go in the front rank of...
I wanted to run this list by guys here as I'm still new to Lizardmen and see what you think. Lords: Oldblood - HW, light armour, Stegadon Helm,...
Distributed as shooting just means that if the unit hit is a mixed unit, you need to roll to see which units are hit. I.e. If you hit a skaven...
In the rule book it states that flying units can move up to 10" and later that they can make a march move of 20". Does this mean that...
I'm sorry....am I missing something? I can't see anywhere where it says you have to target in the front ark or can't target a unit in combat?...
I think you'll find that you 'can't traget enemy units in combat' with a shooting attack. You're not targetting anyone, you're releasing snakes...