Well, I am originally a Skaven player and out of all the units in the entire book my 2 best models are my Abom and Cannon. I never play a game...
That'll be the master tacticians then yeah??!?!??
Well it would only be 10; 6 from mastery of high magic and 4 for his rolls on another school.
Personally I don't know how the TK's rules are worded. Thats what it'll all depend on.
Hi all, as I am new to lizardmen I thought I'd post this and grab any advice for editions (Or tips on how best to use it). It's made of the models...
Cool, I thought that would be the case. I just didn't want to miss out on a uber ability if for some reason e'd been given it. Thanks guys.
I'm new to Lizardmen and in a number of posted army lists I have noticed that the Lore of Mystery has been given to Mage Priests as well as being...
Hi, I have a HTC X One and I've downloaded the file, however when Battlescribe updates it doesn't show up (Still just 7th edition). Do you know...
Ahhhh, that bites like a Kroxigor!!!!!
Hi all, I am very new to Lizardmen, I have been playing WHFB now for 18 months (With Skaven) and have always considered Lizards as my secondary...
I guess no one has considered yet or there may be a rule stating otherwise but surely Wind Blast can simply knock a unit off the board and...
This is not true, the rule only states that models in base contact with the wearer. A model does not class as in base contact with himself!!!!!
I am new to using loremaster, can I still swap one of the spells for the signature spell or do I get this automatically in addition to the other...
:rage: Hi guys, I am Ian, I am new to Lizardmen, always been a fan of dinosaurs. When I started warhammer I chose Skaven, generally because...