O NO! It isn't me I swear! If you kill me the assassins win! Because then it will be 2 innocents Vs. 2 assassins! And you know what that means!...
Strewart, you and Eternity_Warden are a bit too friendly.
Let's see I posted a couple of hours after The Hunted? On the other hand Eternity_Warden posted 6 minutes after Strewart? Unless we all have...
I agree with The Hunted for the reasons I posted earlier. Vote: Eternity_Warden
I agree! Skink priest for president! :) Skink Priest wants YOU! Pledge your support! Skink 2010! Vote now!
Try to get your Saurus unit up to 18 and field them 6x3, it's much more effective. I don't like the setup you have on your Scar-Vet to much...
*becomes sea sick*
I didn't have internet for a week and now three people dead! O no! we have to kill these assassins. If I'm right we haven't executed a single...
Heroes: 392 Points Saurus Scar-Vet Mounted on Cold One, Light Armor, Shield, Halbred, Burning Blade of Chotec Skink Priest Level 2 Wizard, Diadem...
Argh I not be changin my vote. That be true mates! We must execute somebody! execute! execute... but on the other hand... Possibly true!...
Going out on a hunch... Using mystical powers and seeking guidance I have come to a logical conclusion... Kind of. Vote: Eternity Warden
We best be starting to kill people off thee boat! But as now of, I have no suspicions! Vote: Abstain
Yeah! It's good! Nice pictures!
OOC: Wait when was it night?
I'll take me some grog! It be tiring work, bein' an pira-- I mean bein' a sailor! ARGGHHH!
hmm... I'll play
What Dumbledore said before you posted that, is that since your OldBlood is mounted the great weapon only confers a +1 strength bonus instead of...
O darn. Sorry about that then... I'm new to this and overlooked the unit sizes of sallies... O well... And the skinks I meant to divide, I just...