Post 7 - Special Leadbelchers Leadbelchers hold a special place in my heart. For the price of an Irongut, you are getting an Ogre with what is...
Post 6 - Core Ogre Kingdoms core is thankfully brief and efficient, with only 3 units to choose from, it can actually be difficult to decide...
POST 5 - Generic Lords and Heroes Tyrant: Your combat lord and the biggest guy in the army. Perhaps a little overpriced, He boasts a stat line...
Post 4 - Named Characters Greasus Goldtooth: Let’s start with the cost, 545 points. This is over twice the price of a vanilla Tyrant, or well...
Post 3: Big Names and Magic items Ogres have 2 forms of magic items, the big names and actual magic items themselves. This post will cover just...
POST 2 - Special Rules & Armoury Special Rules Ogre Charge Each Monstrous infantry model on foot with this rule, that successfully charges an...
This thread will be a compilation of several guides created by/from the below players/sources. Most views expressed are theirs and I have...
I’m late to the party on this but love these kinds of discussions. What I quite like about some of the AB lores is the synergy a number of them...
You’ve managed to pick most of the ones I haven’t done this to. Yes to Ogres, so I’ll post that one next if you like. The Lizardmen one was just...
Thanks gents
Post 12 - Marks of Chaos I thought it well worth adding a short post on the Marks of Chaos. They were available to Beastmen armies in previous...
POST 11 - Sample Army Lists The below are a few sample lists from Rothgar, Kevin Bruin and myself (Knoffles). All are based on lists fielded...
POST 10 Sample Character Builds This section has a number of builds taken from various posts and I’ve also added a few of my own favourites –...
POST 9 Recommended Units and Tactics Since different units in our army have different roles, I'll include a brief primer on what I think our...
Post 8 - Rare Choices It’s worth stating straight from the start that the Beastmen monsters in this section are wildly over-costed. That isn't to...
POST 7 - SPECIAL CHOICES Bestigor Herd (12pts per model) These are your elite choice. They are solidly priced and come with WS, Str and...
POST 6 - CORE UNITS Chaos Warhounds (6pts each) Chaos hounds are fast and cheap and make excellent chaff units IF used in a Warriors of Chaos...
POST 5 - Lords, Heroes and Mount Options Generic Characters In this post i've grouped the lord and hero equivilent choices together as there are...
POST 4 BRB Magic Items As with some other older edition army books (Skaven and Bretonnian), Beastmen have some of the BRB magic items listed in...
POST 3 Chaos Gifts and Army book Magic Items Gifts of Chaos Crown of Horns – (Grants Stubborn - 75pts) Very expensive, but can be interesting...