POST 2 Magic Lore Analysis Here we'll look at the four different Lores of magic that Beastmen have access to. Three of these are amongst the...
Welcome to the Beastmen Army Book breakdown and Tactica Guide. This set of posts is an amalgamation of guides and articles compiled by individuals...
Great idea for a thread my choices and the reason for them are going to likely jump around a bit 1. Wood Elves The GW range contains some of my...
I’ll happily port over the army reviews and tactics that I put together on EEFL.
My main armies in 8th are (in no particular order): Dwarves Beastmen High Elves Wood Elves I also field the following: Bretonnia Orcs and...
I thought I’d better drop an intro thread here as I’ve been a long time lurker. I’ve been a warhammer player since 3rd ed playing every edition...
Thanks Killer. Yep WHFB through and through. I’ve been a loiterer of the forum for many years, not quite such why I’ve never posted but mainly...
I quite liked this list (even if not agreeing with it entirely) and it does raise a good point in clarifying how you are rating a tier list. For...