I agree with everything you said except that if you are playing an army where the infantry have real hitting power i.e. warriors, deamons, ogres,...
The reason I know in my heart of hearts that the Trog is not very useful is because I want SO BADLY to like it but just cannot find a reason why....
I think on the ancient's merits alone its work taking, however, it, in my opinion, becomes the clear choice due to the EotG. Take two, this allows...
My interpretation: I don't think GW would intend to write a rule that make use roll two seperate batches of dice every time we attack with our...
In the few games I have played with the new rules I have found PF has made a big difference, but I use the term "big" in a relative way. I have...
Not sure if someone answered you on this yet but you nominate on of the attacks to be the tail attack and it hits at S10. It does not get...
Sorry my bad the oldblood is I3. Slann always gets a LoS roll, but when in TG that save is always auto passed. As for the rippers, it's like other...
No, hes the same, stats wise if thats what your asking.
Also, the skink rider on the trog can be cast through by slann similar to priests, and the rod upgrade allows him to make a channeling roll during...
Sorry for dropping off the map there fellas, I had a lunch meeting. If slann take all 8 sig spells then thats all they get. As for the trogolodon,...
Attuned to the beast is a rule just for Kroq-Gar, where if he dies than his carno auto passes his monster reaction test, and gains frenzy which he...
Honestly there are so many that I am not sure how to answer your question. Is anything wildly out of whack? I don't THINK so, but is there...
I can neither confirm nor deny such a claim ;) I got a good long look at it in a store. I know it won't appeal to everyone but I think the new...
Regarding your skinks: all skink troops are -1ld, gain ss of 6+, cohorts can buy poisoned attacks for close combat, rippers have a 4+ save, chamo...
After going over the book I have to say that I am pretty alright with the way it turned out. There are individual things I am not pleased about,...
Good news and bad news. Bad news first: In another stunning blow to CoC, they may no longer take magic banners.....I am not even touching that....
50pts I think?, so you are already saving 15pts since it no longer needs a skink priest, and then the stegadon itself went down in points so there...
I thought I read somewhere that they were auto hit similar to the spit venom rule the hydra has in the SoM book? Could be wrong though.
Wow! LOL annnyyywayyyssss To be honest I never took them anyways. I was thinking of doing it this time around, but after hearing this I guess not....
Okay now that the grog of early morning forum review has washed away from me here are my thought. I am, and always will be, a fan of infantry. I...