Respectfully, I disagree with you and here is why. With hand of glory increasing your WS and I by D3, can be really good for us. If you are...
With high magic I look forward to hand of glory since getting ALL the attribute boosts where we need them for only 10+ is great, walk between...
Another thing I noticed is that the skinks on the stegadon are equipped with "lustrian javelins". Either they thought "jungle poisons" sounded...
Not sure if this was noted already but in terms of if all skinks get the 6+ scaly skin save the ripper riders do. Also meaning that as of now...
I was going to disagree with you because they make no mention of it and take none in the battle report, but then again the BR was awful and...
I hope that bonus attacks we get are also subject to predatory fighter a la unstoppable assault. That would be truly epic.
Not sure where hat guy saw it specify any stats for the ripperdactyles or where it says skinks can use lore of beasts....
Also, the Bastiladon gets dome kind of cool tail attack and has hide so tough that necrosphinx struggle to wound.
Apparently becalming cogitations now allows for dispel rerolls
Most of what has been said I can verify. The mounted skinks shoot fireleech bolos. They are living things. The frog thing is accurate, the...
Well I know I have said this before, but my local guy said he would let me have a look at his when it came in. He gets his stuff in the afternoon...
From over on Warseer: "I've just managed to get a good look at the new white dwarf in my local GW and I must say the new lizardmen are amazing....
Alright I am going to string some facts together regarding the Trogolodon and you guys can tell me what you think. When in the video they say that...
Anyone make out if the Bastiladon has the club like tail associated with the anklyosaur?
Has anyone here been able to get their hands on an actual copy of the white dwarf issue to read the battle report and speculate on some rule or...
No it does not actually shoot snakes. The snakes are in a stone pit, the skinks use fire to heat up the stone and snakes get pissed, spilling out...
Anyone care to hypothesize what the difference between a skink high priest and skink prophet might me? I mean, I would think the High Priest is a...
As a side note, I have to give my opinion here on these models, I do not understand all the negativity on Warseer over these models. I guess a lot...
Just checked out the video. I like everything I am seeing for the most part. Not sure what I think about some of the paint jobs (The leaf colored...
Any speculation on what our lore might be like? I have been wanting our own lore for ever. It just seemed obvious as the proclaimed masters of magic.