METALNIDS love it i gotta start paining my nids soon. If i get around to it but ye; know im kinda addicted to star-craft 2 at the moment and Ive...
Just dropped 1 carnifex, hive tryant 13 gaunts 13 homogaunts 3 warriors, 4 gene stealers 1 biovore and 1 ravenger into a bucket of detol seconds...
Oh i feel so lazy, had a whole long weekend and didn't paint anything........ I better do some soon XD. I attempted to convert a skink into a...
/ragequit theres no f****ng way i can top that, I swear to god this guy paints faster than jesus how do we compete with that D:
*looks with envy* Nice job, I wish I could paint that well that fast, hell i wish i could even to a undercoat and assemble of all that in that time.
Lazy Josh is lazy, yeh i havent bothered to update this, plus ive had a break from paiting I "might' get somthing done this weekend we will see :P...
Haha, im about to start my 40k eldar army soon XD Btw nice job, once again as said above i started painting (nids) when i was 10 and yeh amazing...
*looks to left of photo* Holy S*** that's allot of foam. O_o
What he said
@Eladimir I just basecoted it with codex grey then used badab black strait from the pot, i make sure all the gaps are ful of the wash, i like to...
Yup same for me, 2 saly's and 6 handlers (I like to call them prodders, but either way their asking to be eaten poking salamanders with those...
I dislike the burning blade since every time my saurus has got into combat against a hero, they always have some immune to flaming attacks....
Steggy looks nice, what gold did you use though because its really really golden yellowish, it seems to bright for both shining and burnished (or...
Sounds like it should work out well, if he runs a casket and uses alot of archers while you tackle the front lines with his bone giants and the...
Not bad, I wouldent take the cheif steg, id take a normal ancient and a sarus champ, also the slann should only take 2 discilpines in my opinion,...
Im having another game tonight at a friends, then I'm staying there most of the day tomorow so I may not finish my 5 saurus for a few days now D:
Nice job, im suppried you oponent (fail spelling) took chemo skinks and no sarus, sarus is the most amazing unit ever espcialy in escilation. He...
Here is my list tomorow I'm staying at a friends place and we are playing a game or two of WH so heres my list. Lizardmen 2250 Points. Josh...
Devilin mud is Jesus in a liquid form!
you could mix a little white in to make it liter and faded, or you could try to add a tone of some other colour into them for example if red you...