also my steg in, I havent touched it since that post, the head is still in the sprew...
I started my slann from scratch today, I didnt take a photo thought, ive been painting for almost 7 hours strait now and im only half done if that...
this is what I do, best option.
New rules cav get parry save.
Yesterday I had a game agianst vampire counts, I was really luky since we rolled 3 rivers on the random terrain chart so we decided to split the...
I think that maybe if we all paint the same with like a 1 month deadline each month and then the best painter gets 10 points 2nd gets 9 ect ect...
Wow nice job, poor bob had a horrible experince with magic though, but thats what you get when you try to best a slann at his own game. I havent...
This is why you take a slann with lore of light, always strikes first, and thye all get +1 attack
oh god you just gave me a idea for bloodball
*Buys a box of necrons* I WIN!!
Ehh, enter me I might aswell give it a shot I can always change my mind later.
FpHello, today I decided my skink priest deserves a paint scheme since he has been serving my army well. Ive undercoated him (metal models -_- I...
I would run tehenhauin with 2 skinks priests if i was going to run lore of beast's and not worry about a slann. Also Im pretty sure tehenhauin can...
Very umblanced you should have each player playing 100 pts ect because somone having 3k and somone having 1k means they cant get certain lords and...
This and im to lazy to upload and take photos all the time
Big blocks is only good with lore of light otherwise if you get a pit of shades its a waste of points.
Dont use to many SV in one unit pit of shades will f*** your unit up otherwise and then its GG. Also your giving your slann beast's right because...
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog UPDATE: 2/1 That would be a awsome planqin for Tet;ekko (the skink priest who can enter a skink unit like a...
Yeh i was thinking about drubrushing them ive done it before its not that hard on skink scales, its alot more anoying on the salamnders.
I like to trun 2 units of sallys with 2 in them each and both with 1 extra handler per sally, although if I cant afford 4 salamanders i just run...