I painted the scales on some skinks last night I made 3 with scorpion green scales and one with snot green scales, i presonly liked the green...
I always roll a unit of 6 TG wide with my slan, I I usaly run with 2-4 extra tgs somtime a full rank on the 4th row just so if some die i still...
Pfff Hidan? Tobi and Deidara all the way, I also watch bleach Youruichi, Urhara and Gin are probaly my favorite characters, I just read through...
Im not that much of a pro painter so no i dont water them down unless im trying to fill in games EG the blazing orange in the sarus sheild,...
Correct, Its ok on skinks but metal really sucks four lizzies light or life is the way to go. I would only take it if i know im going up against...
I could recomend lore of light also, you get 3 attacks, always striking first, 8 movment saurs and you can also give another squad 10 initive and...
I only like temple gaurd if im running a slann, Halbeards are not my style and we CANT use our hand wepon in the new rules >:( so I usally just...
This, its completley unfair I would rather him say no teklis or he is favoring his army or his friends army. Some poeple can be Dic ks who run...
If you are refering to the saurus I watered down some blazing orange and then went over it with a watered down ink red (not avalible anymore but...
Im think of either doing a poisionous green hilight which would look epic like THIS colour or blazing orange scales like THIS colour. Im htinking...
Sorry for triple post >_< anyway i fianly got my camera working http://lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=6040 you can see my lizardmen...
Also if you do that and you go up against lore of shadow and they get irasitbale force inititve check, GG......
When mounted your models get a +1 modifier to your armoursave although cold ones have thinkend skin which gives a fruther +1 to the armour save so...
Here are my lizzie's i would like to note that I lack experince and skill in painting minatures and any contructive critisim and tips are...
I once tried to paint my slann i ended up scrubing it off it looked terrible there alot harder to paint than they look. Thats amazing! red slan...
for a 500 pts game 1 slamander for 80 pts and one 7x Cham skinks for about 78 pts i think it is is really game breaking. Plus I would take the...
I've only come up against VC twice against my mate, and both times i won, oxytol was really awsome at killing his wizard, i actually outkill his...
Shield of the mirrored pools isnt that great its only magic missles not bebuffs or that big initave check pit. also I presonaly would dorp the 2nd...
Some people told me that greenstuff is almost as tough as Citadel Resin, it itself being a resin, im really lazy and never actually done much...