cameras broken atm, Ive tried everything but cant get a good photo hopefully i can post some pics in the next couple of days
Ohhh that looks good, (steals awsome converted models of frineds and makes mold's of them) I really want to try this out, looks awsome! I dont...
Nice I orginaly made my planquin metal and washed it devlin mud looks good, but the sides are all messy and realy hard to wash, so I have just let...
I wish I pinned my hive tyrant i was only 12 when i started collecting nids and now thye are completley destroyed after I fill up my lizzy army i...
Dont tell me you glued the howdah on before painintg the stegadon O_O I dont that once, never again i tell you.
Sound'ed like alot of fun, do they always play in S.A or was it because of floods?
Theres somthing that makes you able to with a slann im not sure but apparently its legal.
I havent actually read the list building rules but im guessing, my hoby store make it 25% total to advoid poeple making broken lists. my bad sorry
Happy Australia day mate, from w.a here.
Ill try tomorow I cant find my camera at the moment and my phone one is so bad you cant even tell the colour it is
you have to many points under lods/hero's this list is not legal. -you should take a stegadon its just unluky that it got owned by a cannon. (did...
My saurus is somewhat simmilar to what youve been explaining, i have been trying many schemes one of was a sarus undercoated grey washed with the...
I find a balanced army works best, and lizardmen do this well you've got your chamo skinks which made good harrasers, your slann (life)+...
Since Skrox skinks can throw javlins i dont bother with core unit Skirmisher skinks, I just take 2 squads of 7 chameleon skinks, Skrox are a...
That has to be the awsomest teradon i have EVER seen, Im far to lazy for converting but these are soo good im tempted to try it.
List is very unbalanced you need some harassers, try looking into Chameleon skinks, Teradons. Also i think you need some kroxigors. In my opinion...
I was running the two squads because there smaller quite cheap and expendable but also can be devastyating when i flank / chargeblock with them....
I made some skinks look pretty much the esact same as yours but when i got to my sarus purple shades go form light to dark to fast and i really...
Imo the 2nd block of sarus is unescary and the shammy with the thunder rod better of with a dspell scroll or somthing, you will struggle against...
Sound's alot look a highelf army personaly if your units are based on low toughness and striking first.