Not a bad list you can check out my 2000 pts with oxyy here I wanted to get extra...
Also you can try out a saurus oldblood on a carnosaur they are quite amazing and devestating, I have alot of fun with mine :)
Ok first of all there are a few requirments you lost must fit under and you obiously havent looked at following them. You must have a General,...
Im going to catch up with a few friends and we agreed to all make 2,000 point army lists, I will be going up against empire, highelves, vamps,...
Yeh I agree i give my templegaurd vetran Blood Statuette of Spite and roll 2 squads of 7 chameleon skinks with oxytol, you can pick of alot of...
You should try out the cloak of feathers Ive only ever been charged once with it by fastcav
I actually dislike the ancient steg, He is definatley worthwhile but i find the gaint bow alot more helpfull, the strength is a great bonous but I...
There no point at all putting a chief in a chamelon squad get oxytol or just use regular skirmishers, its just a waste of points otherwise. I too...
Lords and Hero's are now classified together and can be used in any size game your alowed up to a maximum of 25% of hero's / lord's Max of 50%...
I am building a Sarus Oldblood lord Here is what hes got Light armour, Sheild, Dawnstone, Venom of the firefly frog I am using his base handwepon...
This is absoulutley true it makes up for what skink skirmishers are bad at picking off, if you dont take these dont expect to take down any highly...
I too went up againts Teclis I was able to take him out turn 2 though, he did drop my stegadon in a pit though, There are a couple of ways to...