It looks to be a good list. I personally like more skirmishers in a 1000 point list as games that size really seem to come down to whoever has...
I'll second the washes. Makes lazy painters like me look better than we are. I also like that I don't have to thin them to use them, they work...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far... LOL, Tichi-Huichi's Raiders! Nice looking army, n810
I think I can help. [attach] and [attach] Hope that helps! I love the Engine and Stegadon conversion!
Welcome, Z-Ray! We have an introductions forum if you want to say hi there as well. I love this part of the forum myself, as I need this sort of...
I generally tool my Slann up with the following Disciplines: Focus of Mystery, The Focused Rumination, The Becalming Cogitation. As for Magic...
I'll reiterate: Skink Skirmishers. Just two units of ten can fire 40 shots that auto-hit on sixes. That's nearly 7 hits on average per volley....
LOL, I even paint my Saurus warriors shields before I glue them on the model.
Welcome aboard, Neo. I am new here myself, and loving it. I'd say welcome to the jungle, but I play Lizardmen from the Copper Desert on the...
I too love that set up, which is why I was asking. Nothing like being in base contact with your opponent and getting in those extra 2 to 4...
Welcome! I look forward to seeing your army when you share it.
That 16 Saurus group - how are you setting them up? 4x4? 5x3+1?
This is pretty much what our LGS owner does, but with a regular Slann, not Kroak. It's pretty darn effective.
Yeah. I figure Citadel brushes are much like everything Citadel makes, a poor value. It's just what I use because I can get them easier. I...
I like it a great deal, Gary. Very nice model. If you want to add more to the shield you still can too. That's the beauty of painting miniature...
My LGS owner runs him and loves him, but he does so in a unit of Temple Guard with a Slann. To me, he really only seems worth it with a Slann....
I like them! Good job on the smaller details too. Those darts can be a pain to get right.