Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog UPDATE: 1/23 you brought chameleons are you made of money apart from that they look great could you take a...
i would like to see sacred spawnings i love the idea of being able to customise your army a few more feathered beasts our own lore THE...
that sounds amazing are you going to build Gojira if you are send pics love the idea cant wait for more
wow that must have been so annoying to play against it would just mash through anything
thanks i might do my army like this my purple is way to dark i wonder how this is gonna look on bigger models
oh my 2000 point army dosent have any just two blocks of 10 skink skirmishers should i change it on the skaven front i like a few dispel scrolls...
well every one has said it already but its a fun and friendly forum and were happy to have you :D
wow this sarcasm thing has really come on :D do we have to do all sarcasm in this size oh eternity_warden sorry about copying the location thing :D
quite a lot of salamanders i like number one list two would have had a lot of pointless models
wow aod gets cooler by the second i might join in next Xlontiqu would have made a fortune last time :D so when does every one think the next one...
why are charmelions so good against skaven
cool ive seen only the seventh and eighth have been picked and from what ive seen around the forum every one seemed to hate the eighth how about...
could you tell us how you do them mine dont look as good
you like your kroxigors but they are very good
how is that camo but do you really need camo for instance i brought charmelions second hand and painted them bright blue green purple and red
i thought i was alone painting purple lizardmen but i am not hooorah hoooorah :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
i have only played the 8 edition so i was just asking what edition is best and have they got better or worse have the figures got bettter or worse to
cant wait to see more i sound like a doosh i know but its so crisp you should see my painting it looks like a three year old has scribbled all...
my opinion but is purely me is to get your 2 5 men units into 1 10 man unit and put oxyotl in and also purely me i would get a scat vet but im...
wow we really moved of topic how did the hero character battle go