magic is so hard to choose life or light but i think it depends on whose your playing i think light would be better against high elfs what do you...
i love lizardmen so mu :D :D :D :beaver: ch
thanks so could i lock them in combat then flank them what is so great about them i would so get white lions of chrace instead and following...
i reread the rulebook i seem to think life might word better for me any ideas or do you think another lore would be better
i m not sure i was thinking light or shadow what do you think
I m new and i didn't realise how lucky i was any way it was at the end of the magic phase and i cast one with force and it had the thing wich...
Iggy Koopa
i love fluff it is my best part of warhammer i some times just buy codex just for it sad i know
sorry i had just woke up any things that can kill them eaisly
i agree ou dont wandt all your salamadndrds to get blown up by a cannon also i would use your army salamnders to dill in coming infantry trying to...
im fighting a heavaly phoinix guard army do they have i 3 uop ward :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: if so what can i do :( :(
yep and with a slann its not that hard sadly i lost my skink squad shortly afterwards thery became t 1 :rage:
any tips you can give me your painting all look so good :smug: :smug: :smug: i m trying to ger a tepok feel its hard :rage:
i love lore of shadows i used it once to get my 10 skinks to kill 5 chaos wariors :droid: :bored:
what lore are you using i would use lore of life or shadow
i would get more magic but that is just prefrence also i love slann :mad: they are awesome with 5 wounds and DOA they are a must Glory to the...
here is my army any advice much appriciated Slann mage priest Focus of mystery Becalming cogitation BSB Cupped hands of the old ones Saurus Scar...