Warseer says "Worse than a Giant" so I wouldnt be holding my breath
the poison is for cc attacks, they have poisoned javs for free.
No lord lvl skink priest? Bummer. Bastilladon only T5.. I was relly hoping T6
IMHO Hand weapons. Rumours say that support attacks dont benefit from Predatory Fighter rule. With hand weapons & shield you get free 6+ ward.
if Cold ones get +1A and PF, they wont be getting any other "buffs" as their point value remains same. They coud be usable if they had 1+as, but...
Random extra S4 attack for Cold ones dont justify their point cost. They have only 2+AS, so they die in random S4 shots too easily
Costs 15pts, so it wont destroy magic items. Maybe reveals hidden units & magic items, or gives some casting bonuses against units within X" of...
Spotted on warseer: Both bastilladons sound cool
I still think slann is the best bsb available. CarnoBsB is dead on T1 or T2
Cant see how terradons "are better now" with reduced LD. Random 3 flaming hits wont do much, and I wouldnt count on them to negate regeneration...
"The problem is, you can't just slap a 4+ ward save on a monster to give it protection from cannons" Wasnt that exactly what GW did with WoCs...
Missed oppurnity on Carnosaur. Stats are same, gains "Predatory Fighter", +10pts. As usable in game as empires griffons.
seems that lizzies wont get any MC, so i'd bet kroxigors are gonna get a massive buff (T5? Option for halberd? 3+ save? S5?)
Is there slanns anymore in the new book or are they deleted as Ctans from Necrons book?
Could troglodon be the 1st Sea Creature (or what the Special rule was called) in the game?
czechs dual TG lists seems nice, must give it a try
Im not sure about metal, DPs most likely have 2+ fireward, so it would be useless against them.
Testgame; 0-20 to empire. I was too passive (=cant win empire in camping if table isnt good enough for you), magic let me down so my ranged damage...
ETC comps restrict DPs little. Totally forget the MoN, death --> Light