Scenarios: 3x Battleline, B&G, battleline w/ 200pts Objective in the center Note: About 1/3 of participant (about 30) are going to play WoC,...
WIP versio of 3rd draft is on TWF Pretty much cleared up the wall of text of previous draft. Dual slann, light & death. I know sun wont do a...
I'd like if EotG would be like in the old lustria book, a moving stone thrower. Could hide behind hill and fire indirect if facing cannons.
Played with list above, came 4th out of 18. Dweller is op :P.
Have played dual slann w/ 2x Light Newest ETC draft forbids duplicate spells (other than signature), + FAQ gave big boost for sun, so I'm...
What about: 4+ ward talisman Charmed Shield Ogre Blade l.armour. Same save as currently (carnosaurs gives +1 mount AS), takes first hit on 2+.
bsb is too good not be taken, So I'd drop carno and take CO instead, with those 190sh points you get full kitted scar vet bsb (if you have enough...
I'm betting Kroxigors are the way to go in next book. Least(?) sold model in lizard range
what do you think? Not sure about the mounted vet, could drop it and take more skirmishers, or 20sh ranked skinks and beef up other saurus unit
You get points from: -killed units - half points if unit/ model (incl. warmachines, stanks, monsters etc.) has lost half of its models / wounds...
Oh, the tornament is 2,4k. 1 or 2 slanns? Tg or not? Lore?
Need some help. Going to a tournament next month. There will be no comps, no unit size caps, no look out sirs for killer spells, special...
Tepok way too cheap for unit
Rulebook faq, 3rd page, errata about look out sir (page 93 on rulebook)
If you both want to make combat reform, you roll dice, winner decides who goes first. so if dwarf player won the roll of, he could say you go...
you can only "make way" if character is not b2b with enemy. And I understood that Scar Vet was on his own? If he was in saurus warriors then you...
you cant make combat reform with single character. he cant "slide".
Forgot to mention that slann is mostly (like 96% of the time) in saurus/ skink unit when he tries to cast Sun. AFAIK rulebook Faq says I get...
I've used death in some 30+ games so far, and havent misfired the Purple Sun yet. It's not like that you're casting it every single turn, and you...
Agree, if you've got loremaster then it's pretty bad