For 0pts 2 extra PDs per turn isnt bad (as I had 2 slanns, they can only have one dicipline each)
ETC comps, both cant have rumination and mystery
I'm having ethereal+ bsb + fireward on my light slann (also general), death slann has Rumination and banehead. Shaman carries scroll or cube,...
Going to use douple slann in a ETC comped tournament in couple of days. One with light, another with death
Slann bsb, All Spells (Light), Reroll Miscast Cube of Darkness, 2+ ranged ward, dragonbane gem Scar Vet. Cold One, l.armour Charmed Shield,...
FAQ has covered this, use highest Strenght in the unit if unit must take a strenght test
unit of 3 costs 225 (or something like that) pts. I was thinking about unit of 2 or 2 lonely razors
Gah, so they're still rubbish. Havent noticed that before (maybe because I've only used them in game or 2 during 7th edition)
Oges are out. After hearing about their catriders (3 wounds, T4, 3+ AS), I've started thinking swapping sallies for Razors. I use sallies mostly...
Some rumours said Brets would be next
Gonna use unit of 6 w/ standard, musician and the flaming banner in a tournament this weekend, I'll let you know how they'll perform
IMHO 2+ ranged ward. He shouldnt end up in combat anyways, so Stubborn crown isnt as important as extra ward save vs dwarf/skaven warmachines
"80 Skinks Command, 10 Kroxigors 972" Not gonna work, since all Kroxies MUST be in 2nd row, I suggest to drop 7 Kroxies. unit of 18 skirmishers...
Glue Stegas howdah on top of it and use it as count as stegadon. Lovely model, but pure crap in game
Comps: max 1 lord level caster max. 5 warmachines max. 3 same heroes max. 3 same cores max 2 same specials max 2 same rares Spells can be cast...
drop something worht 15pts (javs from skirmishers + 11th skink from skrox unit?) and take Cube of Darkness instead of scroll
I lol'd. Reason for power scroll? Retarded designers
Ban power scroll Problem solved here are ETC lists 2011. Armstrongs list seems pretty similar as the one posted here
I used javelin skirmishers in a tournament couple weeks ago. I used to diss them alot, but they worked pretty well actually. Didnt have painted...