That might not be his ETC list, that's the list he used at Swiss Cheese. ETC lists should soon appear on TWF Nice list thought
Ah, you mean Vassal special rule? Casting throught Skink Shaman?
Ruby ring doesnt turn X character into wizard. And only wizards can channel.
Tournament is over, I went 6-4 (ogres). 7-3( more than nice empire). 0-10 (WoC), 6-4 (Tomb Kings) and 6-4 (dark elves). Max 50 pts from battles,...
A, works as normal. Rules say that when last handler dies they take monster reaction test, if passed act normal, if failed roll on monster...
So how can he be challanged, as he cant leave 2nd rank?
Let me know when new challange appeares. in TPV we had a competition to paint 200sh points every month
it is 1 unit of 2 sallies
Comps for the tournament are out, edited my list. C&C wellcome
I was talking about 7th edition, because that's designed for it
Special steg has it uses too, IMHO it is better in All a round list than ancient, being cheaper and poisoned bolt thrower can lucky shot odd...
Dunno, I posted my pics to SeBM anyway
Drop TGs, Temle Guard bunker doesnt work well in 2k game. Or drop Cav. and beef up TGs
Depends what you've got in your list and Stegs role. I tend to use him as a cannonball catcher, and that's why I use special stegadon.
Saurus dont cause fear, but gain Immunity to fear
Played agaisnt same empire with little changes (he had mortar instead of lvl1, I had stega instead of 20sh saurus warriors) I lost by 1000pts due...
other lore options for shaman
How are people finding stegs working in 8th edition? I used them a lot in early 8th ed. games, only to find them getting killed in 1 or 2 turns...
GW is for S7. I am not sold on skrox unit yet. IMO its too depending on magic buffs, while saurus warriors arent. Oh well, maybe i'm gonna give...
Dwellerz should be extremely lucky, since it's "only" 24" and you get 6s away. Good to have cube and scroll.