I've tried slann with crown and ethereal. It's good vs some armies. But I like to have mine with 2+ ranged ward, cause I am bad at rolling 4+ ward...
not really. Having played now some 5+ games with solo slann, I like it more than standard TGSlann list.
Tournament is 2-3th July, Comps are: -No unit nor character can cost more than 450pts -max. 40 per unit. -max 4 warmachines -max 45 models that...
Tournament is over, I was on shared 8th position (out of 10sh players). Draw vs Delfs on Battle for the pass, massacre loss vs same dwarfs I...
Why Dark elves are on T3? They should be on T1
Pics sent
Have you thought the potion of speed (or what ever its called, one use and gives +3sh I for one turn) for your oldblood? Would help a lot vs Aboms...
How did you do that green on TGs? Looks super
nice models! I finished mine yesterday, took some pics, but gonna post them to SeBM at evening, cause I have to leave soon (tournament). PS. I...
Players whos turn it is decides :D Roll 3D6, dicard highest result, That's how I'd play it. Hopefully they gonna FAQ it soon
Could someone please post the exact wording of the rule? PS. I does cascet have a wizard using it? If not then you cant take 6s with cogitation
If its says Leadership test, then I'd play it so that you ignore the highest (coldblooded) and lowest (Light of Death) roll
True, but the 4D6 Poison shots are with bs3, and are mostly hitting on 5s and 6s
How does the new casket work, whats the specific wording of the rule?
Blade of Realities, why? Enemy will likely get rerolls for LD checks, and daemons still have their obsidian armour :/ I'd drop oldblood and take...
unit of skrox isnt infantry unit, so it cant be stomped as long as kroxs are alive rules deny stomping anything other than warbeasts and infantry.
3 maxed chameleons, couple big blocks saurus warriors, slann with either shadows or light. Deploy your infantry in line so stone throwers wont do...
Handlers are ignored in gaming, so sallies do get swiftstride. handlers dont really excist, they are just counters
Rules as written. Skrox unit isnt infantry unit so it cant be stomped. Just like 13th spell cant be cast on unit containing non-character...
only infantry and warbeast units can be stomped, skrox unit isnt infantry unit, since it includes bot MI and normal infantry