@Itepixcauh has a very nice set of reference videos on Space Marines showing how to use regular paints to beef up contrasts:...
LETS GET MOTIVATED - SEPTEMBER Finally got down to finish the mount for the Saurus Knight. Learned a lot of new stuff in the process :) BODY All...
I like the dark saurus color you gave him and I think with some edge highlights on the scales he will get more aggressive look. You need a...
They say the more you f.. up the Ork, the better it looks ;)
That's a very clean Ork. Straight from the Ork Factory :) ! All the reds and silvers need a ton of weathering, but you have a nice basis to work...
What was your lineup vs Dwarfs?
My favorite slogan to show in "my race/faction is better than yours" discussions: [IMG] Speaking of Settra it always makes me smile when I set...
I usually try to get some basic palette on my PC, then roughly apply the colors on the test miniature. I use the test miniature mainly because:...
I'm keeping this guy until I'm skilled enough, so I will be watching your painting process here for sure!
Welcome aboard!
I like the shading style very much. Manual or washes?
Start with any of the smaller models you have in the box. I believe its Sauruses. Use them to experiment and get your army color scheme as well as...
[ATTACH] I laughed, hard, on this one :D
Great! I need to install it someday with some mods that increase difficulty when I finish my current campaign :)
Looking at the list it looks like Tehen is covered and there is also a couple of additional stories done by one our forum members, @Oh_Man already...
Painting the cold one's jewelry (or whatever lizards call their golden stuff they wear :P), claws and saddle. Hopefully tomorrow's weather will...