How much trouble is to convert to other color with your presented technique? I know that there is a problem with different perception per color,...
Skeletons and 666th post. Bruce Dickinson couldn't be more happy this day :)[ATTACH]
"Mee... too..." Quas realized as well. The whole firefight was exhausting and it is bound to impossible for a Kroxigor like him to recover on an...
Continuing batch painting my saurus cav and here are January todos: * mass highlight and finishing touches on the upper body * fix bellies after...
I think I would cut the fin, sculpt an undersaddle (or whatever its called) and try to make a saurus or skink cav unit out of it :)
Quas couldn't sleep this night. Not much longer he heard the sudden movement of the Kroxigor before him. Slightly raising his head from his hands...
Welcome aboard! :)
Did I guess right, Italy?
Calm voices of his brothers gave Quas a little warmth. He murmured a quiet "Thanks" and sat down in the darkest corner with his head hidden in his...
Refurbishing my room to fit a big desk for hobby stuff. Finally stop grabbing paints from the floor ;)
Happy New Year and 3 Kings / Epiphany if you are in Poland ;)
Welcome aboard!
I voted to keep it black. Underbelly of the cold ones is honestly something that should be hidden from the viewer, because the sculpt is totally...
[IMG] Keyforge created a Rome Dinosaur faction :) Anybody played?
I see a strong reference to Rexxar and Misha from Warcraft III
In the moment Quas wanted to shout back a surge of water defeated the flames before them and then a rain from above started to pour dealing with...
That's basically Kislev! I think I would definitely like to see it :)
Trying to finish cold one regiment this year... I swear!
"Whhaaaaaaaaaaaat... haaaaaaappeeeen?" - groaned Quas as the flurry of bodies running from place to place took the Kroxigor from his beloved...