Wow, how does it work in h2h then? It sounds like a "click to win the game" button :D
The Kroxigor fortified his pose, his fiery yellow-orange eyes meeting the cold glare of the Saurus statue before him. At the blink of an eye both...
Upon seeing his Skink friend imminent death, Quas continued his murderous prowess trying to prevent what seemed to be unpreventable. With a...
A sharp feeling of pain struck the back of the giant Kroxigor which he demonstrated with a loud sound recognized as something similar to...
I used one of my Skinks to practice some drawing :) [ATTACH]
IPA or Isopropyl alcohol is a super cheap chemical that will also help you in the process. If you are in USA, you can also do even better by using...
Coughing the dust off for a while which sounded more or less like on of the war machines created in Altdorf, Quas turned to the familiar Skink he...
Just as Quas stopped playing with his new weapon he registered excited shouts and talks coming from the group of lizardmen who quickly returned to...
Welcome aboard!
I think its a problem how the models were exported to the game originally. Please note that last time I was in the topic of 3d in games was quite...
Wow, it looks like somebody managed to export models from Total War Warhammer 2. Models lack tessellation and bump maps and look quite chunky...
Got to assembly the last cold one for batch painting, green-stuff-fix the batch, then start painting all of them. Trying not to paint more snakes...
He then carefully placed the trophies upon a piece of material and roped it up for easier handling. Few seconds after he placed the wrapped bundle...
Goal 6/7 done. Not bad. But there is still one dinosaur to be unsprued, cleaned and glued.
[I know you wrote up most of my day plan, before I could, so part of this text can overlap] Quas arose slowly woken up by the noise of hungry...
Drunk with the blood of its enemy, Quas slowly recollected himself and now was sitting down on the ground and breathing heavily. Mutilated...
Please do, I'm always super tempted to by the range each time I visit my store :)
I started my journey with Vallejo paints and so far I'm buying only those. I also noticed that Model Color >>>>>>>>>> Game Color in terms of...
It was now when Quas lost the control over his mind and body for the first time. He grabbed the large creature by its neck with both his hands....
Interesting color composition. If you happen to get a better looking pics, post them! :)