I thought if a unit with frenzy had a target within charge range you could pass a leadership test to restrain so as not to charge, so you're...
Take anything you can do boost PD use, power scroll springs to mind but I dont know if you'll be allowed as a lot of tournies dont like it. If you...
Yep, a paired wep if I do so remember. Actually this build would work with a Slann and light as well. Pha's Protection also adds a -1 to hit with...
Loving this topic!
I think i just swallowed my tongue 0.o I showed my girlfriend that thread (she is just starting space marines with a twisted arm lol) and as...
Ive got 2 of the 6 fully painted, they're taking a while, but they look fantastic, Ill get some pics up when I can :D
Really, the reason I have 3 on their own is because of lack of models, and that I would want to try the 1 to 10 ratio for krox :P Playing smart,...
That was precisely my logic benny, you go on I order, but even if not, WS10 is a decent defence
I'll be testing both, but going with light as its my primary lore :P I was thinking of dropping the steg, but I think i'll playtest it once or...
Well after seeing what the community has to say about kroxigors Ive been bashing a few lists out, and I like the look of this one, the lack of...
My idea as it stands is 3 units of 10 skinks with 1 krox in each, then 3 krox in a unit themselves to run rampant, that might give the enemy more...
Benny, you have really sold krox to me! I had no idea they couldnt be stomped! And with the skink shooting from the unit, they can stand and...
Unfortunately, you cant have 2 of the same magic item in the army more than once (unless stated otherwise) Also, you cant have two of the same...
My friend and I had a HUGE argument over this, he gets very very pissed off if you disagree with him. Anyways, the process of miscast says...
They way Im reading it is he will use a magical wep over anything else, the shield is just a magic item in a sense, it doesnt say he would use it...
I played WE at 1500 not long ago and decided to be a prick, Slann 370 Rumination (+1 PD) Cognition (Haha, no 6's for that guy) Cupped hands Sat...
I for one have never really used the staff of the lost sun, and I doubt I will really. As already said, unless someone is running guys out on...
You good sir, have just won most awsome picture in this thread :P
Ahh, magnetization, the wargamers best friend with tricky models :3
Strength 4 with great weps :P So S6 striking last. I didnt exactly word that correctly sorry XD