Nice photo, I wonder where the name Tigerlord came from.... ;P
Ive only ever used normal skinks as chameleon skinks! Really, they shouldnt have a problem. You are playing a GWS game with GWS models, for them...
So the kroxigors in the unit with skinks count towards the total points cost of core? Or as an upgrade that is a special troop do they take up...
I was talking it over with an ogre player who is a friend of mine, he was reeling at the thought of them costing 55points each, Untill I mentioned...
I've just grabbed 6 of the bad boys. Im gonna try them in a unit by themselves, and in skinks. But as a kroxigor newbie, How do you play them? Are...
Its counted as a ridden monster with multiple riders, as long as there is no skink chief / priest on top. I wouldn't think there would be a...
I got pulled up for casting regrowth on my stegadon recently. As the spell says models slain you cant heal wounds lost without the lore attribute....
Did you use the cost for the enchanted shield in our army book? Because its 15 there and 5 in the BRB. You have to always use the costs listed in...
I've always remembered the javs on the spare guys actually. But the short range Stand and Shoot will be handy
Ah well... don't I look silly :D Well in the heat of our local game group apparently I lost the ability to read haha!
So, my friend who plays high elves and is a notorious rule nazi (not my idea of a nickname but its already stuck for good reason XD) Who demanded...
Tbh, all are really good. With shadow, being S4 basic with saurus taking down someones toughness really brings the hurt and Mindrazor is great...
You cant have the same spell in your army more than once. Says in the magic summary before the lores, Unless you have a loremaster. So a slann wth... Uk based and 20% off all GWS models. You're welcome :D
I run 20 TG in any bracket I have my slann even 2k. They rule. 30 wouldn't be overdoing it in my books, it'd just be doing it well, though 20 is...
I played VC with this list today at my local club. Managed to crush him XD I miscast and rolled D3 wizard levels and spells, threw it to him with...
Yeah, with what you have, you could maybe squeeze 1750. But it wouldnt be great. I know grabbing more guys is hard for you right now, but in 2500...
Yeah, but I thought we were still talking about him on a terradon? Ha, my mistake then XD. I used a skink chief warspear yesterday against TK....
With those, yeah I totally agree. Kroak annoys me, but his backstory is amazing. I love Chakax, I mean that just sounds tough as hell! I know...
50 points for a lance essentially? I wouldnt really pay that, throw him a potion of strength. S7 for a turn :D