Many thanks! :D There seem to be a number of magical terrain pieces which work well with standing totems such as this... sinister statue, arcane...
Many thanks! Lustria lends itself so well to fun terrain pieces!!! ;)
More work on those terradons! [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] And more info:
Here are some images of the finished totem! [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] And more here:...
Many thanks! There is more to the armatures. I start out with wire, and then build up the body with some tin foil. Thin sheets of tin foil are...
Hey folks! Some of you might remember the scratch sculpted terradons I was working on years ago. One had been completely finished, 3 were mostly...
Some of you might remember all the terradons that I had painted for the old army. Some of you might also remember that I was sculpting many more...
Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7! Incredible and ingenious work, as always!!
Yes indeed! I love those. I did get some fun color ideas and terrain from them. So well done!!
That sounds great! It will be neat to see them!
The original intent for these totems was for Terradon Aviaries. Now with the Rippers being added... I just had to push this forward! One of these...
Here is a WIP set of images from a terrain video. I am getting back into my Lustrian terrain now! [attach] [attach] [attach] The blog post...
I am glad that could be helpful! There are also basing posts within each army thread, such as this:...
There are 86 posts on my various methods of basing on the blog (and it keeps growing!!!), but I have tagged a few for you: This one is sculpey...
The skink with the bloated neck is an old style metal champion from many moons ago. To do the stripes, many glazes of darker green were applied...
More skinks! [attach] [attach] [attach] A link to the post with more:
Thanks! The big krox is a Reaper figure... the largest of the Reptus line. Since I work in assembly line fashion (and it is usually many months...
It seems that life will be getting even worse more my beloved skink & Krox units :mad: They were barely usable before, but now... I will try to...
Re: Lava Lizardmen: Updated 05/08 A fantastic idea rendered with much skill! Congratulations on something that is already amazing! :D
I use just about every brand there is... Reaper, GW, Vallejo, PPress, Coat D'Arms, Secret Weapon, you name it. Sometimes out of necessity,...