I posted some images of an old project to the blog today. This is the Temple of Kroak. It was made entirely out of sculpey, so it must have...
Thanks for all the kind words! I am glad to hear that people are getting that extra juice to get back into thier painting! It is obviously my...
The movement trays really help at tournaments, since they are not only decorative, they can help to reduce measuring issues. I carry my army...
That's what was strange... I was posting the images here the same way I had always done on lustria. It worked fine the other day, but today I...
When 8th edition came out, I thought it would be necessary for me to create movement trays for my skirmishing units. I made them for my chameleon...
Hey guys-- I just posted this thread today on the blog. I ran across a bunch of images of the Temple as I was building it, so I posted those. I...
Well, at long last, I was finally able to start up that painting blog! I have no idea what the heck I am doing on there right now, so basically I...
I used to paint spacescapes for a living, so all the portals for the EoTG's and Baby Babo were done by hand :)
Yes, the little guy was very fun to make, and also fun to paint! He has helped a ton in games, as he has let me redeploy units in the random...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***) Thanks for all the kind words, and going over there to check it out! There was a...
Hello! Well, I don't know how well these images will translate here, but at least it is something! I have the sculpted, unpainted version of...
Stewart saves the day! Babo send his blessings, and his appreciation. There are so many things that need to be posted! Yikes. I hope people...
Thanks! I think I would have gone a bit batty if I had to paint everything the same colors! There was a specific reason to do that, as I wanted...
Oh, yes, and I need to post the story of the army as well. The Temple of Blood and the legend of Stikki Wikkit.
Thanks for all the kind words! The entire army is really pretty huge, with all sorts of big projects that went into it. Once I can get...
My original field of art was 2 dimensional, and one of my favorite subjects to paint was spacescapes. So, I made those portals so that I could...
Hello to all! My apologies for not posting here in forever. It has been an insane year here, and I have barely had time to read e-mails, much...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***) I have not had a chance to look at the Storm of Magic rules yet, so I guess I better...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***) It was fantastic to see you at Games Day, and to see the Great Project in person!...
All of the foam board was the 1/8 inch variety, cut up in pieces and used to construct the different levels.