The bottom floor was large pieces of that bakeable clay called sculpey. I rolled out large sheets of it, baked them, and placed them on the...
As most folks around here know, I love my skink and kroxigor units. I also know that almost everyone else hates them ;) However, I have used...
I looked through all my pictures, and I didn't see any images with the stairs or the pillars. Years ago, I made a smaller Temple of Blood made...
I do have some WIP images of the temple, but I don't know how many might show the stairs....
When I did the stairs for the temple, I started out with cutting up my leftover pieces of foam core and stacking them on top of each other. This...
If you look at the link strewart posted, it will show how the portals were sculpted. They were designed to be removeable from the howdah, since...
The key is in the type of sculpey used. We use the white sculpey for our broken up/carved tile bases. It is much softer, breaks very easily, and...
Thanks for posting the link! I still have to put new photos up of the EOtG's, since they were not actually finished in those photos yet. I spent...
I will be taking individual pictures of the two engines soon. You can see the WIP images of how they were scratch built in an earlier thread in...
Thanks for the advice on the picture sizes. It does make a big difference when you see the larger images! This was a 2000 point tournament, with...
Thanks for all the kind words! At some point I will also have to post the individual pictures of the scratch sculpted EOtG's which were finally...
Yes, it took about 8 days of continuous work. It seems that the pictures ended up smaller, as I feared. Oh well. Anyway, the board is made...
Yes, I know it has been many weeks since I last posted. :mad: A big part of that had to do with Adepticon, which was last weekend. In addition...
Most of the top armies were dark elves and MoC. VC armies also were at the top tables. For the most part, the armies with the top battle points...
Well, the Big Tournament was last weekend, and I am still trying to recover from that sleep wise, painting wise and sanity wise :rage: Five games...
Hey, it is very clear that a whole lot of work has gone into these guys, and it is impressive. Playing with armies painted with such care always...
Amazing stuff!! Army looks fantastic! Congrats :D
I don't see them running into that any time soon either :D The kroxigors use rare earth magnets, and the rest of the skinks die so fast, the...
One of our buyers had requested a flesh tone like that, and it was kinda fun to paint. We paint a lot of minis, and it can be a bit boring to...
Here are a few Dark Elf pics: [attach] [attach]