While I have learned that (the hard way) that the 3rd power of the Engine is not a good thing to use (usually getting the priest killed by...
OK... I will take some WIP images of those. ;) That means I will also have to post some WIP images of a Chakax I made using a regular plastic...
I have a million different ways that I paint stone, but many times I lay out a set of colors on the pallette and have them available to mix...
This guy would not have enjoyed the same mummification process that Kroak had. I would simply have put the remaining tiny chunks of his flesh in...
My wife and I play games with our stuff every week. Usually we are playing games against people we know who also spend a fair amount of time...
Hehe... :pompus: The Wappellious name was entirely by accident. I would use that moniker during games of Circus Maximus for my driver, or to...
Those really are amazing! I remember how bummed the lizardman community was to see dark elf cold ones that looked way better than the second...