"They chose a Skink to pilot the temple-pyramids, you say? (Sighs) well.. Hmph.." [attach] Heh i am so stoked for this
Flying temple-pyramid?! Hope that thing's got windshield wipers... 'cause the Lizardmen GONNA MAKE IT RAIN
Seems like what hurts the Trog the most is being a monster, since monsters are just kinda awful. Curious to hear from the naysayers: in which...
I'd prioritize Terradons/Ripperdactyls over Skinks for now... Skinks are a dime a dozen (and on the cheap, at that) with eBay. You'll need war...
I'm alright with 200 for a Troglodon. It gets a lot of hate because, frankly, a lot of people JUST DON'T GET IT. Now, that said: I think that...
Seems like there's plenty of time for the different elves to make passive-aggressive comments to each other, commit various acts of snobbery, turn...
Kroak can cast it as much as he'd like. To the haters, Kroak sez, "Frog-get abouddit!!" :D I am incapable of shame. :D
.... Time to fetch... THE BIG GUNS O_O!!! "U-U-D-D-L-R-L-R-B-A-START!"
60% chance to auto-hit & wound with no armor saves is pretty remarkable, especially since it comes with such little risk. This is very poor...
"... and then darkness consumes all" from the brief Lizardmen portion of the first End Times book, following a sentence that details some...
It's always amusing to hear cannon apologists undermine the completely absurd efficiency of their war machines. --- "But there's a 1/6 chance for...
I hate parry saves. 35 Saurus, Spears, kitted Oldblood. It's worked out pretty well, though it's pricy and I prefer TG instead.
[attach] Anybody hungry?! ;)
What lore are you taking? Skrox units love Beasts (especially with a Chief), and Saurus units love Heavens (but Beasts as well). The two operate...
Yeah, I don't really see Lizards taking the sell-sword route. *shrug* I'm excited to see what GW has in store for them, in any case!
Going off what I'd read on Ulthuan, it sounds like... 1) There's still a pool. 2) When deciding which spell to cast/how many power dice you may...
I asked in one thread, but I'll ask again: who is Lord Huaxhini, and what is he doing? He's got a bit of fluff in the Summary of our book (the...
Woah. Woah. WOAH! WOAH!!! [attach] Keep us posted :D
Well, that's good news I guess. Still 4d6 dice though? :/
If you go with the dinos, take two. Unless he sets you up to be counter-charged, charge him with the Stegadon at every opportunity. Even if you...