So in the previous edition it said that when a salamander unit shoots, resolve one shot at a time before shooting with another model in the unit....
Which one is better to take? For 15 more pts I get +1S +1AS and 2 blowpipes but I lose 1 attack. I understand that the Ancient will come out of...
Yah I did read it but I just want to make sure. Since imapct hits dont target a specific model and the unit i THINK i have it right ?
Hello everyone. I just started lizardmen and they seem to be a fun army to play. I had a short and quick question about the stegadons D3 impact...
Ive never been to a tournament before and Im also new to Lizardmen (but not fantasy) Here is my first attempt at a tournament list. Please be...
Does anyone know if The ARmy Pianters Quickshade work wtih citadel paints? Thanks
Hey all, I just started a lizardmen army and havent had many games with them yet. Just wanted to get your opinion on whether or not it was...