Nice! Not so sure about your color scheme, but the howda is great and the horns and bones of your steggi is very well done as well! Congrats :)
Scaly skin works just like ordenary armor except that you can wear other armor on top of it. E.c: saurus scar-vet, with scaly skin 5+, light armor...
I would go for a slann, both to counter his treesinging and to try to fry some archers and trees at a range.. and another thing I would do: go for...
Sweet! your skink chief looks like an agressive veteran ;)
Must congrat you! your TG unit is wracking havoc! keep cuting down thouse lesser races ;)
And both of your EoTG at 440 each... you goes in pretty much the same trap as I used to: to big in magic items.. and too heavy units... In my...
hmmm, first of all: how many pts are you aiming for? second, you can't give rod of storms to a TG unit( 'couse it's a arcane item) BRB under...
Personally I don't think the item is that great, mostly because there is so many good alternatives.. but if I was to try it out, I would probably...
I figure 10 skinks is the best option vs chaos(my main opponent) as they should hold their panic with the cold-blooded rule, and even more surely...
I'm not so sure about that.. anyone with reliable sources that can beg the difference?