Nice scheme! did you use any washes?
Welcome to the site :)
true, TGs without slann could work wonders as a small elit unit going in for the kill. And, yeah the models is just awesome ;) Anyone had some...
I guess, If you have 2 slanns you can choose to go 2 slanns in one unit of TGs or split into 2 groups with one slann in each. The rule only says...
Great paintjobs! Think all thouse schemes works just fine. Really loved the Green/blue ones but I'm a sucker for anything that can relate to...
Welcome :)
wow! awesome! Is havn't played 40k, but is that an pretty small sized squigg?
I don't use kroixxies in any of my recent armies simply becous of their high pts cost and nerfed strenght due to the previous edition(Even then I...
I would suggest dropping a few TGs as it will be a huge pts sink in a >3000 army. btw your pts on sallys is wrong. Do a remath on you army just to...
yeah, the diferent races has diferent pts costs even on the common items..
Good choise picking lizardmen and battlereports are always welcome! Njoy the site :)
Welcome on board! Check out the thread for nationality and you might find somebody near your area :) Cheers!
As pointed out early, Spirit of the Forge really can turn the tide if you're faceing WoC. And that is the main reason why I usually go for this...
Lizarsdpeeps or not, welcome to the site :)
well as for lacking sleep and working too much I can only join in with you on that one ;) Cool list! only have 4 terries myself, but with that...
Hmm, I see were you're getting at, but don't you think you'll be a bit week say, if your opponent chooses to go for a e.c. cheesy all shooty list?...
This is one of my regular opponents, so this should be interesting:-) I'm guessing Tzunki aswell
yeah, use the search bar to find previous posts (It actually took some time before I realised myself..)
Yeah, you could win a match alone with a Slann Mage Priest Lord! Anywho, welcome on board :)
Good ide Grifthin. Topic is moved :)