Wards DON'T stack and there is no rule I know of that says regen is removed by a double str attack. flaming attacks though is correctly futile to...
Applause! Great Game, Great Report! But I must confest my heart sank a bit when Lord Actyrix died... Anyway, Looking forward to any revenges ;)
lol! This is the biggest 2k army I've seen :D vs skaven it would be really cool, and you would probably own ogres as well. you would have a hard...
Yeah, cred for your site sammy the theme is pretty awesome and dont stress the eyes as it has cool and darktoned colors. + it is intuitive and...
Welcome to the site :)
Yeah, welcome to the site!
Do you have the armybook for Lizardmen? The slann is a lev 4 wizard and is used like any other lev 4 wizard. Special rules is pretty clear stated...
That been said, you really only gott shock troops and no Sturdy block for combat res. But with high movement, try to take out the enemys easy...
Only one comment: Drop all your braves and upgrade your 2. skink to lev.2 Could be quite fun to play :)
thouse dices.... :shifty:
He is stubborn, so you wouldnt need to worry about CR. Due to his shield, he makes an extreme defending character. as Malus with his higher...
When you making convertions, GS is a must as I see it. You could always order some over the internet. I buy almost all my GW products over web..
Dinosaurs! And the Slann, in all his aspects. The fact that the slann had such preeminent magical powers, got me into the lizardmen and is still...
Agree with asrodrig: fantastic scheme, but some highlight might be better as you balance the tone up a bit more... Also, the horns looks a bit.. I...
True... An EoTG should probably stay away from enemy heroes as the chief would be a very juicy target indeed...
Yeah, Skaven and O&G is a bit light hearted and tend to jump at anything bigger than themselves.. By the way, about the saurus block.. When do...
Will do ;)
Consider it done ;)
Units only take terror tests once a game
As I would have sayd it myself Gannon! Have lots of experience vs WoC and if you can take out their Heavy cav and avoid their infantry, you...